What makes the single-page WordPress theme unique.
Create memorable pages with smooth parallax effects that everyone loves. Also, use our lightweight content slider offering you smooth and great-looking animations.
Build a front page for your WooCommerce store in a matter of minutes. The neat and clean presentation will help your sales and make your store accessible to everyone.
Showcase your team, products, clients, about info, testimonials, latest posts from the blog, contact form, additional calls to action. Everything translation ready.
Get new content blocks: pricing table, Google Maps, and more. Change the sections order, display each block exactly where you need it, customize the blocks with whatever colors you wish.
Check out this cool parallax scrolling effect. Plus, you can change the background image.
Despre NOI
Use this section to showcase important details about your business.
NEI Fashion Style este o companie in cadrul NEI Holding.
NEI Fashion Style se adreseaza atat productiei de serie, in ceea ce priveste echipamentele pentru firmele de paza si protectie, echipamente de lucru, uniforme medicale, halate, echipamente pentru HORECA, salopete service auto, echipament sportiv personalizat pentru cluburi sportive, cat si productie la comanda.
Fabrica este situata la aproximativ 25 Km fata de Bucuresti in Comuna Petrachioaia – Judetul Ilfov.
Alaturi de NEI Divizia de Securitate, NEI Medica Asist, NEI Fire Protection, NEI Management Consulting – Cabinet de avocat “Mirela Dumitrescu”, Compania de detectivi NEI, NEI Management Consulting, NEI Electric Distribuţie, NEI HR Solutions, NEI Pandorra, Nei Technics & Strategies şi Alfatrust S.A. formează NEI HOLDING, având ca idee centrală pasiunea pentru diversitate şi implicit dezvoltare multilaterală, bazându-se strict pe un capital 100% românesc.